I-Pack is an Immunity Booster Box

I love when I do not sneeze, and I do not get irritated when my gluten-free pizza has one tomato piece less than I need (don't even ask how I define the right amount). One way or another, both of these states are so true for my reality from time to time.
When that happens I know that my immune system got hacked by some external as well as internal factors: too much stress, sitting a lot, ignoring daylight along with fresh air, forgetting about whole food, and cutting on sleep. One thing comes to another... and my organism gets exposed to various diseases, infections, and viruses.
Natural remedies
Natural remedies like tons of garlic, lemon (one per meal), buckets of raspberry tea are quite trustworthy and do have healing potential. However, when there is a meeting, and you are all garlic smelly, there is a chance of damaging your professional image (looks and smells do matter, no matter how good someone is, professional-wise). Moreover, you can’t always deal with the consequences of a voluminous liquid intake (You know what I mean).
Quite a useful pack from Coral Club
Coral Club has developed quite a useful pack to promote immune system boost and prevent the body from harmful stuff which always lurks around ready to attack. Immunity Pack by Coral Club is designed for our body to beat away all the unnecessary conditions that steal our upbeat feeling and great look.
If to explain with a bit more scientific terms, the potential of Immunity pack is revealed through the following:
- Defensive powers of the body are boosted
- Empowering resistance to the negative environmental factors
- Regeneration processes are happening more intensively
Let’s have a closer look at what this pack consists of:
- Coral Mine - relic corals, that contain useful salts. When this product interacts with water, the water gets its physiological usefulness positively affected. Also, it activates its organoleptic properties. In other, a bit simpler words, your water becomes more favorable for your body, quality-wise.
- Shark Liver Oil - squalene and alkyl glycerides. If you are similar to me, I bet it did educate you well on why this oil is so important (sarcasm). So, squalene (a natural substance) is responsible for antioxidant and antihypoxic effects. Irreplaceable for healing damaged skin and mucous membranes. Next, alkyl glycerides - resistance to the disease.
- Pau D’Arco with selenium - its combination interferes with pathogenic microorganisms (thanks to naphthoquinones), regulates the number of the cells of the immune system, supporting both innate and acquired immunity (more selenium’s part).
- Liposomal Vitamin D3 - a more bioavailable form of Vitamin D3, responsible for immune cells activation and better assimilation of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium.
- Liposomal Vitamin C - huge antioxidant, that forms proper immune responses in our organism. Keeps your skin young longer, saving it from harmful environmental influence, and protects your body from various diseases.
To sum up
Of course, it is up to you what to choose for yourself when it comes to your immune system being strong and ready to conquer everything harmful. However, as far as it goes with the busy lives we live, there is no need to reinvent the bicycle. Turn to something that is already created with the greatest care for you. Especially, when the producer of the products is a trustworthy and internationally certified company Coral Club. Anyway, as I said, the choice is yours. Personally, I found my immunity booster kit - Immunity Pack - and ready to turn to it whenever I feel the need for it.
N.B! It is highly recommended that you consult your healthcare practitioner before you start taking the product.
Be healthy!