Liposomal Vitamin C from Coral Club - a new format of love 💗

I am genuinely convinced that the food choices we make possess the potential of either to cure us or to hurt us. A proper diet will always be able to ensure our health and daily well-being. However, there is a real life that has its own rules. I admire those people who dictate life their own policies. I am not on the list of those, unfortunately. But I admire me for trying to adjust to the circumstances that I am not really capable of changing. For example, I am not always able to plan my diet through thoroughly with knowing all the amount of the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in general to nourish my body. Even if I do, I might miss the moment of creating the most favorable environment with the conditions that will let all the nutrients to get absorbed and perform their mission.
Supplements backup
I always back up my nutrients’ base with supplements. I do trust them being efficient in filling the gaps of vitamins and minerals that were missed or not gotten at all. Especially my trust was enhanced with the technology that is being successfully incorporated by companies, Coral Club including - liposomal technology. It is proven to empower bioavailability of supplements, due to liposomes, that deliver nutrients straight to the cell, and let them enter the cell’s membrane, safe from the destructive effect of the GI ( gastrointestinal) tract environment.
Liposomal Vitamin C and benefits
I would love to draw your attention to Liposomal Vitamin C from Coral Club. This one I take all year long, minding the daily dose, of course. I believe in its immunity boost functions and protection from occasional colds and even flue. I have noticed that when I have started taking Vitamin C, I have rare cases of running nose or cough. Even when the time for those comes - rainy fall or cold winter. Our body does not produce this vitamin. The only way for us to get it is just from the food we consume. As I have already mentioned it is not totally possible to monitor whether you got everything required for the day.
Benefits Part II
Aside from the benefits I have mentioned, Vitamin C also plays an important role in proper absorption of calcium, iron, zinc, and Vitamin E. As well it ensures improvement of protein and carbs metabolism. Moreover your nervous ( resistance to stress) , cardiovascular( blood vessels strengthening), hormonal systems and skin health will benefit from it for sure. Vitamin C also performs as an antioxidant that fights off free radicals and enhances the defensive powers of the organism. Liposomal Vitamin C, due to its membrane composed of phospholipids, helps damaged membranes to heal.
Final Thoughts
I used to take vitamin C in tablets, however, it caused great discomfort in swallowing. Liposomal Vitamin C is so friendly to take, especially knowing, that this format will be for sure delivered and not get ruined on the way to the cell. Also, liposomal form of vitamin C will not irritate the mucosa of the digestive tract due to its membrane.
Please, remember, that here you do not get medical recommendations. This article is written for sharing some informative content, which you may or may not consider to be useful. If you decide to take Liposomal Vitamin C from Coral Club, make sure to consult your healthcare provider so that to enjoy all the benefits of the product rather than doing harm due to some health conditions you have.
Be healthy!