Unexpected Protein in the Dessert

I am not vegan, though I aim at having fewer animal products in my daily diet. Like us or not the lion’s share of protein comes from eggs, white meat and fish. It’s stated that depending on the organism and lifestyle it leads, one should consume approximately 0.75 grams per 1 kilogram of the body weight, or 0.36 gr per pound (whatever your metric system is).
Certain eating style
When there is a certain eating style to be followed that results in avoiding various meats, one should do thorough research about alternative protein sources and commit to a real math action, cooking meals aligning with protein demands per day.
Do not get scared! No problem here, since there are so many various meal plans with clear-cut proportions of all the nutrients needed to be obtained daily. Also, there are numerous arsenals of information on nutrition and specialists who can guide you through and assist with the most optimal meal choices for your specific health situation.
Coral Club meal counseling
As you know I always refer to guidance from Coral Club and in most cases I get exactly what I need. I am gluten, casein, processed sugar-free. Sometimes I find myself in quite a tricky situation when, for example, traveling there might be no place with snacks that meet my dietary demands and sustain me with tits-bits of protein. Of course, fruits and veggies (dried or fresh), or some lunch options of questionable origin are there...
Yet, some cravings are just in need of other satisfactory factors - sweety, chocolatey, or nutty. Honestly, all the fruit-based bars do not make me happy. Usually, I tend to make some snack stuff of my own. When there is no opportunity, I must get creative.
Coral Protein Bar
Lately, I have discovered a Coral Protein Bar. It came quite like a sensation. First of all, it has the word “protein” in it (9 grams per piece). Surely, it is not a chicken breast or a grilled white fish, but in comparison with other desserts, Coral Protein Bar indeed has more of it.
The taste is definitely delicious. Chocolate chips, cranberry, and almond butter are composing an amazing flavor. You know it’s like everything is enough and in the right proportion.
Coral Protein Bar, of course, has enough carbs to maintain your energy levels, or simply go nice with your latte. The ingredients are natural and trustworthy. I am not saying healthy, since every individual has his/her own definition of “health”. For me, it works perfectly.
My family does not have any particular demands on what should be on their daily menu. It does not mean we talk “junk” here or chaotic devouring of everything. For instance, they are Ok with eating regular brownies without getting consulted on how gluten-free they are. Protein Bar from Coral has become one of the top snacks and desserts to crave for them
I am relieved to know that they choose it over the bars that have way too many hard-to-pronounce words that do not draw any clear picture of how they look in my head. Palm oil is easy to pronounce but still does no good. Smart choice of easily assimilated ingredients and delightful sweetness work well for kids and adults. Let’s not forget about the protein part. Even if it is not our daily norm, it is still there and contributes to our required daily intake.
Worth giving a shot
It is OK, if somebody may try this product and get a totally different impression. We are different and the same thing is perceived differently for us. Yet, you will never know if you don’t try.
When else you can enjoy delicious snacks with benefits for your well-being? At least, it will set your dopamine levels along with endorphins and those buddies are sure to boost your cognitive activity and protect you from harmful stress effects.
Immunity boost, lower cholesterol, stronger cardiovascular system, and improved metabolism are also promised, in case you are interested 🙂 All that bounty is contained in a tiny, but nutrient-rich bar.